Featured Collection


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Men's Deal of the Day

today's deal expires in

Serengeti Chandler Polarized Rubberized Khaki Soft Square Serengeti Chandler Polarized Rubberized Khaki Soft Square
Women's Deal of the Day

today's deal expires in

Karl Lagerfeld Black Round Cat Eye - Eyedictive Karl Lagerfeld Black Round Cat Eye - Eyedictive
Sale price$29 Regular price$120

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Indulge in your passion for fashion with our exclusive selection of 100% authentic designer eyewear, featuring the brands you love, all at the lowest prices guaranteed.

Shopping Tips

Choose the right shape

Choose the right shape

It’s easy to fall in love with a pair of frames seen on a celebrity or model. But if you don’t share a similar face type and shape, you may be disappointed if they aren’t as flattering on you. Wh...
What is Polarized?

What is Polarized?

WHAT ARE POLARIZED SUNGLASSES? You’ve probably seen or heard people talking about their sunglasses as being “polarized.” Other than thinking it’s some undefined added bonus to your shades, you may...